Beta Phi Mu

Alpha Chapter By-Laws

November 7, 2020

Article 1:  Name

This organization shall be known as the Alpha Chapter of Beta Phi Mu, organized at the School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the State of Illinois.

Article II:  Purposes

 The purposes of Alpha Chapter of Beta Phi Mu are the same as those of Beta Phi Mu, the International Library and Information Studies Honor Society,  which are "to recognize distinguished achievement in and scholarly contributions to library and information studies or library education, and to sponsor and support appropriate professional and scholarly projects related to these fields".

 Article III:  Membership

 There shall be four classes of membership: regular, active, affiliate, and honorary.

 Section l: Regular Membership

Regular membership in Alpha Chapter, including the privilege of voting and holding office, shall be granted to candidates of the School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign who fulfill the following requirements:

1. Completion of at least 50% of the total hours/credits required for the Master of Science in Library and Information Science with a grade point average no lower than 3.75 (on a 4 point scale)


Completion of at least 50% of the total hours/credits required for a Certificate of Advanced Study or a Doctor of Philosophy degree with a grade point average no lower than 3.75 (on a 4 point scale)


Completion of at least 50% of the total hours/credits required for the Bachelor of Science in Information Sciences, with a grade point average no lower than 3.75 (on a 4 point scale)

2. Total eligible candidates shall comprise no more than 35% of the annual graduating class of graduate students and no more than 35% of the annual graduating class of undergraduate students. Candidates to be recommended for membership in Alpha Chapter are selected by the Faculty by virtue of the candidate's academic record, record of service, and professional promise.

3. Acceptance of the invitation and payment of fees. There is no time limit for acceptance of the invitation, but candidates must provide proof of invitation with payment of fees when accepting invitation to membership.

 Section 2:  Active Membership

 An active member shall be a member of Alpha Chapter paying annual dues to Alpha Chapter.

 Section 3:  Affiliate Membership

An affiliate member is a member of any other chapter of Beta Phi Mu who demonstrates evidence of such membership and the desire to affiliate with Alpha Chapter and pay Alpha Chapter dues.  Such members have the right to vote and hold office in Alpha Chapter.

 Section 4.  Honorary Membership

Honorary membership including privileges of national and local membership (except that honorary members shall not hold office) is designed to honor those who have made significant contributions to librarianship, including library educators and others whose interests and achievements reflect the purpose of the society.

Nominations for honorary membership may be made by any members who are not themselves honorary members or by the Alpha Chapter president.  Each recommendation shall be addressed to the Executive Director of Beta Phi Mu and accompanied by a resume of the candidate’s qualifications. Permission must be granted by the national office prior to awarding Honorary Membership.

Article IV:  Officers

The Executive Board of Alpha Chapter shall consist of the following officers:  President; Vice President/President Elect; Secretary/Treasurer; and the Immediate Past President. The term for each office shall be for a period of one year. All officers shall be active members of Alpha Chapter.

Article V:  Election of Officers

1.      The Executive Board shall submit name(s) of active members for nomination to fill vacant offices.

2.      The President, Vice President/President Elect, and Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected annually by majority vote of those members present and voting at the Annual Meeting. When vacancies occur, other offices shall be filled by the same procedure.

3.      Newly elected officers shall take office immediately following their election.

Article VI: Representative to the Assembly

 1.      The Alpha Chapter representative to the Assembly of Beta Phi Mu shall be an active member of the Chapter appointed by the Chapter's Executive Board.

2.      The duties of the Representative are to participate in the meetings of the Assembly and to report its deliberations to the Executive Board of Alpha Chapter and to members of Alpha Chapter at the Annual Meeting.

 Article VII: Faculty Advisor

 1.      The Faculty Advisor to Alpha Chapter shall be a regular, affiliate, or honorary member of Alpha Chapter who also is an active member of the Faculty of the School of Information Sciences (iSchool), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Appointment shall be made by the iSchool Executive Committee and approved by the Faculty at large.

 2.      The Faculty Advisor’s primary function is to represent the chapter in academic matters before the iSchool and the larger university community. The Faculty Advisor may advise Alpha Chapter's Executive Board and has the right to participate in debate, but has no vote.

 Article VIII:  Dues

Any changes in annual dues will be recommended by the Executive Board and approved by a majority vote of active members who are present and voting at the Annual Meeting.  Notice shall be sent with announcement of the Annual Meeting.

 Article IX: Initiation

Initiation for regular members shall be held at the discretion of the Executive Board. Usually initiation occurs at the Annual Meeting.  For those initiates unable to attend in person, initiation in absentia may be requested.

 Article X: Tax Exempt Status

Section 1: Tax Exempt Status

It is the intent of Alpha Chapter to comply with all requirements for maintaining tax exempt status under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code as amended. It is the duty of the Secretary/Treasurer of Alpha Chapter to promptly file such reports as are required, meet all other requirements for compliance, and keep the Executive Board informed of such action or changes in requirements.

Section 2: Tax Provision Compliance

Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary, neither the Executive Board nor any other officer or member of Alpha Chapter shall be authorized to exercise any power or engage in any activity not in furtherance of the tax exempt purposes of Alpha Chapter of Beta Phi Mu.

Article XI: Non-Discrimination

Alpha Chapter by or through its officers, directors, agents, employees or otherwise shall not discriminate against or in favor of any member because of race, religion, creed, national origin, political belief, gender, sexual orientation, age, or physical disability.

  Article XII: Amendments

 The By-Laws may be amended at any business meeting by a majority vote of active members who are present and voting.

 Article XIII:  Dissolution

Section 1: Assets
In the event of dissolution of Alpha Chapter of Beta Phi Mu, its assets shall be given to the University of Illinois Foundation, provided this organization maintains its tax exempt status, for distribution to the School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for the purpose of scholarships within the School.

Should the above fail to qualify, the assets are to be distributed to Beta Phi Mu, the International Library and Information Studies Honor Society, provided it maintains its tax exempt status, for the purpose of scholarships offered by this Society.

Should both of the above fail to qualify, assets shall be disposed of by a court of competent jurisdiction in the county in which the principal office of Alpha Chapter of Beta Phi Mu is located at that time. Assets shall be used exclusively for purposes of higher education in a manner determined by the court within the meaning of tax exempt status of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Section 2: Archives
All Alpha Chapter of Beta Phi Mu archival material shall be placed on permanent file with the records housed at the Alpha Chapter of Beta Phi Mu archives at the University Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign at the time of dissolution.